In 2015, I was hired by an umbrella NGO in Brussels that works towards the human rights and inclusion of a specific vulnerable group (4/5 time). My net monthly salary was around EUR 1300; thus I definitely struggled to make ends meet after I paid my rent. On the top, I was expected to do …

Read more10/5/2020 20:03:01

I am currently on sick leave following a burnout and harassment case by one on the colleagues I am line managing. The reasons for this burn out is that I have been working 2 jobs for almost 3 years, joggling this amount of work and pressure with à young disabled child. Though my employer was …

Read more10/5/2020 16:43:44

I was promised my manager would “look into” non statutory benefits such as public transport reimbursement, lunch vouchers etc. One year later and this has still not happened despite me asking. Over hours are the norm. I’m expected to keep working and be available even if I’ve finished my part of the work and my …

Read more10/5/2020 14:10:19