The NGO I work in has a transparent salary grid, but all the workers are still heavily underpaid compared to what I’m seeing in other job advertisements. I know the NGO sector is far from being wealthy (we all know it!) but it doesn’t justify this extremely low pay for a job which often comes …

Read more15/6/2021 18:02

In my organisation, salaries have big discrepancies amongst people with the same job title, even with the same amount of experience, your salary can have a 500EUR+ gross difference. I tried to have a salary increase after receiving great job appraisals, but was told there was either ‘no budget’ or ‘my job title is not …

Read more15/6/2021 18:01

I am currently on a one-year contract. Before that I did a full year as a CIP (Editor’s note: Contrat d’Immersion Professionnelle). I was paid 800€ which is definitely not enough to live decently in Brussels while doing the job of a junior officer. 800€ with no right to holidays and no access to unemployment …

Read more15/6/2021 18:00

We work many extra hours and they are not compensated. When I was hired in 2018, my two national languages were valued (25€ per language) in my salary (French & Dutch). In 2020, my employer revised this salary grid and they removed my Dutch from it. I’ve lost 25€ per month since then with no …

Read more15/6/2021 17:58

My responsibilities changed, and increased a little, without my salary ever changing. Extra hours of work are not monitored and therefore not compensated, you only have the option to recuperate them, but there is never time to do so.

In December 2020, we handed in our petition with +850 signatures asking for a salary grid for our sector to the Presidents of Commissions Paritaires 329 and 337. Find what the petition says here Watch the Facebook Live of the action See our action in photo-summary here   WHAT ARE WE UP TO? We still …

Read moreCurrent actions 06/2021

YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO MORE AND TO BETTER! A wage increase limited to 0.4%? Just enough to buy 20 rolls of toilet paper!  Real increases, not crumbs! Free negotiation of wages, we are entitled to that!  All salaries must increase, especially the lowest. We want better end-of-career solutions. Long-term sickness. No teleworking without compensation …


If the funders of NGOs stopped considering us as “projects” and started to value the human resources needed to deliver outputs, this would help build more career development possibilities within NGOs. So while managers of NGOs should be fully in line with good management policies, the funding models could further boost this. The size of …

Read more10/6/2020 12:51:49

In my first year, when I did not have a permanent contract, I was not paid in accordance with the salary grid in the employment rules (but below). In 3,5 years, I never completed the annual appraisal process, even though our employment rules say this is the only context in which it is possible to …

Read more10/5/2020 22:13:21

I worked in a Parliamentary Forum on Sexual health. Most employees were bullied by the director, who had all the power in the organization. I witnessed him yell at colleagues, and humiliate some of them. Some of the MPs from the network were also harassing the staff, either morally or sexually. Nothing has ever been …

Read more10/5/2020 21:32:22